Explore insights into the 2024 rental market dynamics, including economic factors and investment trends affecting landlords and tenants.

Explore insights into the 2024 rental market dynamics, including economic factors and investment trends affecting landlords and tenants.
Receive clear, practical advice for new landlords from one of South Africa’s leading real estate agencies.
Landlords, Seeff breaks down what you need to know about South African rental market and how you can adapt to the current trends.
Rental rates have reached their highest levels in several years. Now is the best time for buyers to seize rental property investment opportunities.
Discover how technology can streamline property management with this guide from Seeff. Leverage technology to make property management easier.
Seeff shares how to sell tenanted property, from what can and cannot be done to legal regulations, helping landlords make an informed decision.
Explore our definitive guide for landlords on student rentals in 2023. From pros and cons to legal acts and important costs, we cover everything.
Discover how to handle lease agreement breach notices as a tenant with guidance from Seeff, as well as the steps to resolve any issues.
Your 2023 rental market compass: Seeff reveals the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities for landlords and tenants in South Africa.
Is rental insurance for you? Here’s a look at rental insurance and its benefits, from safeguarding personal treasures to offering financial peace of mind.
Learn how to make your rented space into a unique abode. With our handy tips, you’ll feel right at home with these easy adjustments.
Learn how to set the best rental price in 2023 with Seeff’s advice. Here's what you should know, from local income levels to market trends.
Take action to build a positive landlord-tenant relationship in 2023. Boost your tenant retention and landlord reputation with these 11 tips.
Wondering if rent-to-buy is the right option for you? We explore the buying preferences of powerful millennials searching for their dream homes.
Maximise your rental income with these practical tips. From setting the best price to implementing appealing upgrades, learn how to justify higher rental rates.
Landlords get expert insights and a breakdown of the growth rates and rental property trends in South Africa - directly from a leading real estate agency.
Keep your rental property safe and secure by ensuring reliable tenants. Seeff shares how landlords can conduct an effective background check in 2023.
Seeff breaks down the benefits of both rent-to-buy and home loans to help you make the best financing decision. Get the full details in our blog.
The best guide to commercial landlord rights and responsibilities in South Africa in 2023 from one of South Africa’s leading real estate agencies.
If the lease agreement has already expired, but the tenant refuses to leave the property, the landlord may legally proceed with an eviction.
One of the steps you can consider, is seeking legal help from an attorney specialising in landlord-tenant law to get your rental deposit back.
Short-term rentals in Cape Town are booming as tourists arrive seeking a beautiful holiday and local families decide to semigrate.
Tenants can make or break the success of your rental. As a landlord, you want to choose reliable people who will make life as a landlord worthwhile.
Some of the qualities landlords look for in acceptable tenants include discussing maintenance issues, maintaining the property, and paying their rent on time.
Property management tools can make all the difference between failure and success when you are a landlord and trying to manage multiple properties
Some touches from previous eras can make your property stand out, so consider what would be good to save. Work on your budget and create a decor scheme.
Do I need a rental agent, how much can I charge for property rental, these are only some of the questions we answer in the article. Read on for more info.
Discover your responsibilities as a landlord and how to best navigate the maintenance of your property.
Landlord insurance is there to make managing property easier for landlords. Many painful costs are covered with a landlord insurance policy.
Buy-to-let is the act of purchasing a property to rent out. Investing in this type of commercial real estate in South Africa can be a great way to generate income
An unopposed eviction roughly costs between R10 000 and R15 000. However, once it becomes an opposed eviction, the cost can increase to R100 000.
As a tenant, can you sublet your home whether short term or long term? The simple answer is yes if allowed by your lease agreement.
When hiring a rental agent to manage your property on your behalf, do some research and see which rental agents are most popular in your area.
New landlords, get your questions about leases, rent, and landlord rights answered with our guide to a landlord’s responsibilities in South Africa. Read more here.
Ensuring that your property is fit for rental will not only attract tenants and keep it occupied, but will protect your valuable asset.
Renting out properties might bring in a steady cash, but if you don’t choose the right rental agent your property investments could be at risk.
If you do not have a good calibre tenant who pays on time or looks after the property, you can quickly be left out of pocket. A rental agent can help.