Create your dream home from your rented space: Top tips for renters in 2023

    So you’ve found the perfect home to rent and are excited about putting your unique stamp on it. How do you go about doing this when you can’t make any permanent changes or modify the space without your landlord's consent? We show you how to transform your rented space into a home that sparkles with your personality. 

    Let your individuality shine through 

    Although you may be limited in making any drastic changes to the property, you can still imbue your rented space with a thick dose of creative expression. Take elements of your lifestyle and moods to mesh with the decorative aspects of your home and you have a recipe for interior success!

    One of the easiest ways to spice up your space is by making use of furniture. Choose pieces that fit your rooms and are proportionate with the rest of the home. It is wise to future-proof your furniture by selecting pieces that are classic, yet easy to assemble or move when you become a homeowner. This is also a good financial decision as you won’t have to worry about repurchasing furniture in the long run. You can always add to your collection and build on it, but ensure your foundation furniture is adaptable.

    The same goes for your outdoor decor. When purchasing patio furniture or sprucing up your balcony, select traditional, durable materials with longevity and heavy-duty pot plants that weather well.


    Use colour to your advantage 

    Speak to your landlord about repainting the walls in colours of your choosing. Your lease agreement should have rules about changing the appearance of the property, but compromises can be made if you agree to return the walls to its original colour once your lease is over. If you aren’t able to paint, use colourful wallpaper in bold patterns or muted shades to create your desired effect. Walls can also be adorned with artwork, a collage of prints and mirrors or family photos for a personal touch. 

    Light up your life  

    Lighting can play an important part in setting the tone and mood of a room. For spaces such as your kitchen area, you will want to choose bright overhead lighting that makes food preparation easier. Living rooms and bedrooms often call for softer lighting and you can play around with dimmer switches and beautiful lampshades for a cosy feel. Bathroom light fittings can get playful with spotlights or vanity mirror lights which make for a great DIY project. For kids’ rooms, add a touch of whimsical fun with fairy lights draped across the walls or glow-in-the-dark lights on their ceilings. 

    Add interesting bespoke elements 

    Function and form go hand in hand with fashion these days and that is no different when it comes to stylish homes. Make a statement with temporary shelving that doubles as decor. Bookcases are a great focal point for any room and are a great way to create a feature wall without using paint or wallpaper. The same goes for indoor plants that can add vibrance and contrast to a living space. Assemble mini cacti or lush ferns on your shelving to introduce freshness to your rented space. Preserved flowers have come a long way since their shiny, plastic days and homeware stores now sell high-quality arrangements that instantly add a touch of luxe to any room.

    woman decorating new rented house with plants

    From the inside out, use your rented space to your advantage by seeing it as the blueprint for the beginning of your real estate journey. With careful consideration and enthusiastic planning, you can make your time living in your rented home a practical adventure. Contact us today to view our latest properties to let and properties to buy. 

    Author: Seeff Property Group
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