Whether you’re moving for work, greener pastures, or after a new lifestyle, you’re about to enjoy a fresh start. That said, it takes determination and preparation to uproot your life and make the change to a new address. Seeff provides helpful advice for a successful relocation to a city or town so you can simply focus on your wonderful adventure ahead.
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If you can’t visit the city or town, take time to explore your new neighbourhood online. Using Google Maps, for example, you can make a list of all the amenities you’ll need. These can include shops, healthcare, routes to work and schools, restaurants, and leisure activities. If you’re working with a property practitioner, do ask questions to get a sense of your new home. Their local area expertise can come in handy if you’re looking for an affordable haircut or the best place to gym.
It can be tempting to rush in and buy in a new city or town. However, renting first before buying can save you money in the long run. You can take your time getting a feel for living in the area and finding a home that ticks all the boxes. While it’s possible to buy a house through a virtual viewing, being within the area means you can visit showhouses and make an informed decision.
The only disadvantage is having to move a second time. The costs and inconvenience of this strategy are outweighed by investing in a home you may not like or struggle to sell.
Relocating to a new city or town will make a dent in your bank balance. But, with careful financial planning, you can be in control of any future costs. Here are common relocation expenses you can expect:
Even if it’s just rough estimates, breaking down all your potential costs can help you prevent any surprises.
Leading up to your moving day there’s much you can do to take the hassles out of your relocation. Start by decluttering any unneeded furniture, clothing, tools, etc. so you have less to take with you to your new home. It’s also a good idea to collect quality moving boxes and packing materials. For this, you can buy them from your moving company or ask your local supermarket. You should also notify institutions like SARS, banks, insurance companies, and newspaper subscriptions of your new address.
Finally, don’t forget to say goodbye to friends, family, and neighbours. You don’t have to throw an extravagant party but a quick call is a great courtesy, especially if you want to keep relationships intact.
Your moving day is perhaps the most stressful part of your relocation. There’s much you can do to make this day as effortless as possible. If you use a moving company, ensure you’ve sourced the best-reviewed option and ensure they are in sync with your schedule. All of your household contents should be packed, labelled, and ready to be transported. It’s important to do a quick once-over for any forgotten items.
It might take a while for your belongings to arrive or be unpacked. A smart move is to pack an essentials bag with clothing, toiletries, food, bedding, cell phone chargers, and other necessities to make your first day easier.
It can feel daunting to stare at your endless piles of boxes and packets. However, the sooner you unpack, the easier it will be to get comfortable in your new home. Create a plan of action and tackle the unpacking of one room at a time. Your essentials bag will come in handy by giving you more breathing room to unpack at your leisure.
Pets and children can find the move to a new property stressful. Ensure they’re settled with food, water, and their favourite toys. Once they’re comfortable, you will have more freedom to unpack without being disturbed.
Ignore any pressure to make big changes to your home. Instead, make a list with the most urgent at the top. Moving to a new home should be a fun experience so give yourself some time to flip through some decor magazines, relax, or explore your new surroundings.
In a new city or town, it can take a while to feel like you belong. Getting to know the locals and learning about your new area will help your transition. You can make friends while walking your dog, attending community meetings, joining the local sports club, or becoming a part of the local social media groups. Simply taking a drive will also help you discover all the wonderful spots that make your new area special.
With the right property practitioner, relocating doesn’t have to be a challenge. Seeff’s team can help you find the right home, in the right neighbourhood, and in the quickest time possible. Get in touch with us today — we look forward to being a part of your new story.