Before prospective buyers even enter your home, they've already formed an opinion about your neighbourhood and street. In an era plagued by service delivery woes, buyers have become hyper-aware of their surroundings as they search for their dream property, notes the Seeff Property Group.
Seeff emphasises that the overall atmosphere and upkeep of your neighbourhood or residential complex play a massive role in captivating a buyer’s interest and dictating the price they're willing to pay. The state of your neighbourhood is directly tied to how much value buyers perceive your property to have.
A neighbourhood's upkeep - or lack thereof - also influences the area's security and desirability. A poorly maintained neighbourhood can quickly become an unchecked playground for negligent and criminal activity. Few buyers will look twice at a property in this type of neighbourhood.
Conversely, a clean, well-maintained neighbourhood makes people want to live there more. Thus, the more valuable your property becomes. So, if you've been eyeing those rising crime rates and falling property values, remember that the state of the neighbourhood could be the driving factor. Could it be time to do something about it?
Firstly, it's imperative that property owners and residents maintain clean and unobstructed pavement areas. If you own vacant land, the obligation to keep it tidy also extends to you.
If you’re serious about improving your neighbourhood and property appeal, explore our blog on affordable landscaping tips. As we head into spring and summer, a gorgeous garden will attract prospective buyers. You might also be interested in the best scents for selling your home.