One cannot but get involved and share the warmth in your heart with your communities and this is exactly what Seeff Lamberts Bay did during this cold month of July. Addressing the basic needs of the community is one of the most important ways one can show kindness to other. Kindness that goes a long way in building better community relationships between people and businesses.
Seeff Lambert’s Bay heard the cry of the neediest and the vulnerable within their community and decided to assist by providing warm blankets and a soup kitchen to the most needed. A small gesture that brought much needed smiles to the face of Lambert's Bay residence and ensured warm hearts even if it was only for a short while.
“We at Seeff proud ourselves that we want and need to be involved within our local communities we conduct our day-to-day business in.” Said Annerine Hayes Non Principal Property Practitioner from Seeff Lambert’s Bay.
This was visible definitely on the faces of those that was served a warm cup of soup and blanket during this very special day. Just another way we at Seeff shares our passion and kindness from Home to Home.